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Understanding the Latest AAP Guidelines on Noise Machines for Children

For parents, ensuring a peaceful and restful night's sleep for their children is a top priority. One popular tool that has gained popularity for promoting better sleep is noise machines. These devices produce a variety of soothing sounds that help create a calming environment for kids. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has recently issued guidelines regarding that discussing prolonged and loud noises and the affects excessive noise on infants, toddlers, and children. One the topics in these recommendation was the use of noise machines, expressing concerns about prolonged noise exposure and the risks. In this blog post, we'll summarize the key points of the AAP guidelines, highlight their concerns and explore the advantages of noise machines, and provide safety tips for parents.

The AAP recognizes that noise machines can be beneficial in promoting healthy sleep patterns. However, they have raised several concerns, regarding excessive noise and the interference with sleep. One primary concern as centered around how sound disturbances can interrupt sleep and leave children with inadequate amounts of sleep. Another point the AAP raises in its findings is how these loud noises and prolonged exposure can be potentially harm children's development and hearing.

Disrupting Sleep: The AAP recognizes a variety of sounds and interferences that can disrupt sleep. One emphasize is that some noise machines can produce sounds at levels that are too loud and potentially disruptive.

Risk of Hearing Damage: Prolonged exposure to any loud noises including toys, television, and other environmental noises, even if they are seemingly soothing, can pose a risk of hearing damage to children. The developing ears of infants and young children are particularly vulnerable to excessive noise levels.

The Pros of Noise Machines

Noise machines offer several benefits when used appropriately. This is the area we want to focus on!

1.     Noise machines can create a consistent, calming background noise that helps children fall asleep and stay asleep by masking more disruptive sounds from the environment. At Sleep Baby, we find that children are often woken by noises in their homes. This includes dogs, parents walking in the hall, TV from another room, older siblings who are still awake, or the delivery man ringing your doorbell. Noise machines can mask these sounds making everyday disturbances quieter so they do not interfere with your baby's natural sleep patterns.

2. The white noise sounds from noise machines can provide a sense of routine and comfort for children, making bedtime more predictable and enjoyable. For infants, this white noise machine reminds them of being in the womb for 9 months. For some children, noise machines can reduce anxiety and stress, helping them relax and fall asleep more easily.

Using Noise Machines Safely

To address the concerns raised by the AAP and make the most of noise machines, here are some safety tips for parents:

1.     Distance Matters: Place the noise machine at least 7 feet away from your child's crib or bed. This distance helps minimize direct sound exposure while still providing the intended soothing effect.

2.     Choose the Right Volume: Set the noise machine to a moderate volume, ideally under 50 decibels. Use a sound level meter to measure the decibels and ensure the sound remains at a safe level. Many smartphones offer apps that can measure noise levels. Be sure to try a few different decibel readers to make sure you are getting accurate readings.

3.     Time Limits: The AAP recommends to limit the use of noise machines to the time necessary for your child to fall asleep. Although they leave this topic a little vague, they offered a few suggestions. Once your child is asleep, turn down the volume or turn it off to avoid prolonged exposure. Be sure to turn off noise machines or other loud objects in common areas while your child is awake.

4.     Regular Maintenance: Periodically check and clean your noise machine to ensure it's functioning correctly and not producing unintended loud or harsh sounds.

5.     Consult Your Pediatrician: If you have concerns or questions about using a noise machine for your child, consult your pediatrician for guidance tailored to your child's specific needs.

Sleep Baby’s Thoughts

We always appreciate guidelines or guidance that the AAP can offer us so that we can pass that information on to other parents. We believe noise machines are a very valuable tool in helping children sleep better and create a soothing sleep environment. We believe sleep machines are a great tool and parents can harness the benefits of these sleep baby while ensuring their child's sleep remains undisturbed and healthy. A well-regulated noise machine can contribute to peaceful nights for both parents and children, enhancing their overall well-being. We believe that every family should feel empowered to make decisions that best suit their family. We always want you to make informed decision and we hope this will help you use your noise machine in a way that is safe for your family.

Find the full AAP Guidelines here