Guide to surviving Daylight Savings Time with Kids

Daylight savings time is coming to an end on November 6, 2022. Are you ready to adjust your clocks and help your kids settle into the new time change?

Of course not! As parents, DST is the worst two days of the year. Honestly, when can we drop this thing and stop ruining our families’ sleep? Believe me, at Sleep Baby, we hate DST as much as you do. BUT, we do have some tips to make the time change go as smoothly as possible and we’ve created an incredible FREE guide with even more information! Keep scrolling for the link

How to help help your baby adjust to Daylight Savings Time

Our number one tip - Follow The Clock. It rarely ends well to try and adjust your baby’s schedule in your head little by little either before or after the time change. No matter what you do, it’s going to take several days up to a week for all of our bodies to adjust completely and it is much easier to use the clock and the sunshine to your advantage while you are working through it. So, stick with the times on the clock and jump all in!

1) On Saturday, put your baby to bed at their normal time. If you need to put them down early because of a tough day or overtiredness, that’s fine but otherwise just stick with the clock.

2) Sunday morning, wake them up at the new time. Since it’s Fall Back, they may already be awake (ok they probably will be) so you are trying to keep them in their bed until as close to that normal wakeup time as possible! We are teaching their body when to sleep which is important!

3) Follow the clock for naps as well as bedtime Sunday night. If they are tired before it is time for them to go down, try to keep them awake as best you can. Take them outside, play with water, try a fun snack or activity. They will get there!

4) If your baby is younger than 6 months, think about saving 1 nap per day for a few days so that they can avoid overtiredness and you can get them a great nap at the right time (based on the clock).

5) Keep going! As we stated above, it takes all of us several days to adjust to the new time. On Thursday, when you’re wondering why you are so exhausted, remember that your body is still adjusting and your baby’s is too!

Free DST Guide!

Want more Daylight Savings Time tips? We have a great guide that includes FAQs and more that you can download here! It’s completely free.

And, don’t forget to follow us on Instagram, we have lots of tips and tricks and will be chatting more about DST this week!

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Elizabeth King